10 Rare Wrestling Contract Clauses You Never Knew

6. Brock Lesnar Gets To Skip Drug Tests

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‘The Conqueror’ Brock Lesnar being a very well paid part timer for WWE has rubbed a lot of their roster up the wrong way over the years. Especially after they found out he wasn’t subjected to the same rigorous drug testing policies that they regularly have to undergo.

It all came to light when in a shocking and unprecedented move Vince McMahon allowed Lesnar to return to UFC for their big UFC 200 PPV to fight Mark Hunt whilst under contract and working for WWE.

Lesnar won the fight by unanimous decision but a short time later the Nevada State Athletic Commission confirmed Lesnar had twice tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs. As a result the outcome of his fight was overturned to a no-contest, he was fined $250,000 and was banned from UFC competition for a whole year. This started conversations on how Lesnar was able to pass WWE’s wellness tests but fail UFC’s. The answer was simple: he was never tested in WWE.

WWE released the statement ‘WWE’s talent wellness program does not apply to part-time performers such as Brock Lesnar.’ He may have been a ‘part timer’ but one who headlined SummerSlam and Survivor Series that year and was a featured performer on billboards and merchandise throughout 2016.

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