10 Rare Wrestling Contract Clauses You Never Knew

2. Scott Steiner Is Silenced

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Impact Wrestling

‘Big Poppa Pump’ Scott Steiner has said some outrageous things in wrestling in his long career.

He’s spoken how “People that I don’t like know I don’t like them” and that was no more obvious in 2012 when he departed TNA and tore into them online. He went after the company, Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan in a Twitter tirade. They were keenly aware Steiner was a beacon for controversial and hateful remarks which is why they had written into his contract (and others) that he couldn’t make any disparaging comments about the company. When Steiner took to Twitter, TNA sued him in response. They wanted monetary damages and to stop Steiner from ever mentioning them again.

Not to be outdone, Steiner sued the company back for allowing him to compete in the ring with Jeff Hardy who - according to Steiner - was heavily under the influence of alcohol and possibly drugs at the time.'The Big Bad Booty Daddy' claimed he suffered nerve damage and a bicep injury.

The lawsuit was dismissed in 2016 which is a shame - it would have given Steiner a chance to cut a math promo regarding money in court.

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