10 Rarely Used WWE Moves That Always Get A Pop

8. Thread The Needle DDT (Sami Zayn)

Seth Rollins Splash

As Stone Cold Steve Austin is so fond of reminding listeners to his podcast, the DDT is no longer the feared wrestling finisher it was in the days of Jake 'The Snake' Roberts. There are now so many variants and twists on the manoeuvre that almost every wrestler on the roster has some form of DDT in their moveset.

None of those are as impressive as Sami Zayn's unique twist on the move, in which he leaps between the middle and bottom turnbuckle to deliver a tornado DDT to an opponent on the floor. It's a beautiful feat of athletic precision that culminates in a brutal bump for the wrestler on the wrong end of it. The lengthy run-up that Zayn takes before his leap allows the crowd to whip itself into a frenzy in anticipation for the move to come.

Wisely, Zayn's use of this DDT is increasingly rare and it's now reserved for only his biggest matches, particularly as the babyface pop it induces doesn't fit into his heel persona. When it appears though, it's one of the most physically impressive moves on the roster.

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Freelance film journalist and fan of professional wrestling. Usually found in a darkened screening room looking for an aisle seat and telling people to put away their mobile phones. Also known to do a bit of stand-up comedy, so I'm used to the occasional heckle.