10 Rarely Used WWE Moves That Always Get A Pop

4. Package Powerbomb (Kevin Owens)

Seth Rollins Splash

This is a move that gets an enormous reaction from the WWE Universe because of what it isn't as much as what it is. The setup for the Package Powerbomb is identical to the way Owens would prepare for his feared Package Piledriver finisher on the independent circuit. Despite the fact the piledriver as a whole is banned in WWE, there's a glint of hope in the minds of fans that the company might make an exception for Owens.

Wisely, Owens only uses this move in major matches, which increases the plausibility of the star having secured the rare permission to use his piledriver as a finishing move. The crowd packs every arena with a deafening roar as Owens sets up the move, and it remains impressive even once he has transitioned into a powerbomb.

The first appearance of this move was when Owens debuted on the main roster in a winning effort against John Cena at Elimination Chamber 2015. Since then, it has been an exciting moment whenever it is used and the troll aspect of setting up a popular move only to switch at the last minute fits with Owens's heel persona perfectly.

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Freelance film journalist and fan of professional wrestling. Usually found in a darkened screening room looking for an aisle seat and telling people to put away their mobile phones. Also known to do a bit of stand-up comedy, so I'm used to the occasional heckle.