10 Real-Life Dramas That Made It To Wrestling TV
4. Basket Case

Vince McMahon's pettiness reached farcical levels in 2009, thanks to an enforced venue-switch due to the Denver Nuggets requiring their home arena for Game Four of the NBA play-offs they weren't expected to even be competing in.
McMahon tried to force the game elsewhere, but lost that battle and had to scramble to find a replacement venue for the flagship show at short notice.
Thus, Raw was switched to the Staples Center in Los Angeles with little impact, but it didn't stop Vince from airing his grievances about the whole situation with a typical lack of tact.
Denver Nuggets owner Stan Kroenke was the main butt of the jokes, with an impersonator losing a faux match to McMahon after cutting a promo at the expense of the company and its fans.
Taking an angelic babyface role, McMahon pandered to his live audience for Kroenke's apparent misgivings, suggesting that 'When you push the WWE Universe, they push back!'
To hammer the point home, the main event featured a ten-man tag team match, with heels in Nuggets jerseys against babyfaces sporting LA Lakers gear to suck up to the partisan crowd.
Completing the needless and unfunny night-long hatchet job, the 'Lakers' won easily.