10 Real Life Stories From The Final WCW Nitro

6. Shane Helms Says WCW Roster Felt They Were At Fault

Shane Helms was one of 24 WCW performers who had their contracts taken over by Vince McMahon and company, but that wasn't something he was fully aware was about to happen during the final Monday Nitro taping. Instead, Helms was backstage in Panama City, feeling pretty melancholy about the situation the promotion were in, and unable to shake the feeling that he was partly to blame for it. That's a pretty mind-blowing revelation, that performers such as Shane Helms, one of the brightest sparks during the latter years of WCW, felt he was somewhat at fault for the mess his employers had made of his workplace. In reality, WCW's demise was little to do with Helms, or any other in-ring performer, but it's eye-opening to think wrestlers were thinking like that. Preparing for his match with Chavo Guerrero, Helms has said the pair were determined to put on a show, not to secure themselves jobs with the WWF, but to give Nitro the send-off it deserved, so at least nobody could point fingers towards them afterwards.
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WCW Ric Flair
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