10 Realistic WWE Achievements For AJ Styles

8. The Intercontinental Title

Styles winning the Intercontinental Title is a realistic career achievement. You can tell from the way he's started that WWE see him as an mid to upper mid card babyface, which is traditionally the spot that the Intercontinental title gravitates to. Just look at Dean Ambrose right now, he's very much what Styles could aspire to be in WWE - the entertaining and talented worker who can support the co-main event scene. Indeed, WWE may already be setting the IC belt up for Styles. If Ambrose feuds with Chris Jericho, the belt could go to Jericho, allowing the Y2J / Styles feud to expand. Eventually, the veteran would put over Styles as the new champion. On the other hand, if Ambrose stays as champ but turns heel (a move he badly needs) then he could be the one to put Styles over as the new strap holder. The two men could have some brilliant bouts over the belt. It wouldn't be that surprising to see Styles with the IC gold before SummerSlam.
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AJ Styles
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WWE Writer

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