10 Realistic WWE Achievements For AJ Styles

7. Big Merchandise Sales

A significant off screen achievement for WWE superstars is to rank highly in merchandise sales. This is something that usually guarantees a decent level of push, as WWE are always wanting to make more money. As long as Styles is shifting shirts, WWE will be happy. He'll also be happy, as the extra royalty payments can be very lucrative. The early indications are that merchandise will be an area he excels in. WWE Shop put up his first range of shirts on Sunday night, and by Monday morning they had sold out. Now, that could be an indication that they didn't produce much merchandise for him, but it is also possible that he's just really, really popular. Replenishment won't come in until late February, and you'd expect them to produce more stock this time around. If Styles can produce further solid sales, his achievement will put him in a very good spot with WWE bosses. Hopefully his cult status can work for him in the same way it worked for CM Punk's merchandise.
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