10 Realistic WWE Achievements For AJ Styles

6. Tag Titles With Neville

Neville is reminiscent of a young AJ Styles. He's fast, he's smooth in his execution, he can do just about any thing in the ring. With all that in mind, wouldn't it be great to see Styles and Neville in a tag team? Their ring styles combined would make for thrilling matches, and god knows the tag scene needs a fresh new impetus. It would also have the story of Styles being a mentor to Neville, helping him to realise his potential as the new Phenomenal One. It is the sort of spot that WWE are likely to put Styles in. It gets him involved in the shows, as well as providing quality matches to the mid card. It is another title belt for him to potentially hold, an achievement he should be proud of, given the history of the WWE tag team championship.
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AJ Styles
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