10 Reasons Batista Is Genuinely Hated By WWE Fans

1. It€™s Fashionable

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vm6ahR4dP0Y All the previous reasons built upon each other to form the basis for the Batista backlash, but at the end of the day, it€™s just become cool to boo The Animal. For a lot of fans, one or several of the previous reasons contribute to this dislike, but as detailed on the previous pages, not everything is within Batista€™s control. It€™s not his fault how he was booked and few would personally blame him for lashing out against fans who confuse the character with the person. But wrestling fans can easily fall into a pack mentality. And once everything started snowballing, it became difficult to stop. Now it€™s just the norm to yell €˜Bootista!€ at him and hate everything he does. To his disadvantage, Batista€™s, €œDeal with it!€ attitude didn€™t help, much like John Cena€™s, €œFans can boo me because they all have a voice and I€™m here for the Cenation members who support me€ tripe doesn€™t help. At least with Cena, he has been around for 12 straight years and has built a dedicated fanbase and has a body of in-ring work that even detractors have to respect. With Batista coming back and almost immediately becoming hated, it was impossible to build up any goodwill. And with no memorable matches on his recent résumé, there was nothing to fall back on. So now, without any real reason for fans to like or support Batista, it€™s just the fashionable thing to greatly dislike, even hate him. Here€™s hoping that while Batista is away this summer, the creative team can figure out a smart way to bring him back and actually book him properly. Because if they screw it up a second time, fans will not be forgiving, and that just isn€™t fair to the guy. Batista came back to entertain fans, not be genuinely hated, so hopefully this break will help cleanse the palette and we can start anew in a few months.
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Scott is a former journalist and longtime wrestling fan who was smart enough to abandon WCW during the Monday Night Wars the same time as the Radicalz. He fortunately became a fan in time for WrestleMania III and came back as a fan after a long high school hiatus before WM XIV. Monday nights in the Carlson household are reserved for viewing Raw -- for better or worse.