10 Reasons To Believe Sting's WWE Debut Is Imminent

2. The Ridiculousness Of It Dragging On Longer

Part of the reason to believe that we are near Sting's WWE debut is just how damned long this whole thing has dragged on. It's now at the point where it simply can't go on much longer. There's light at the end of the tunnel as both sides make more and more noises about working together (see this and this). We are at the point where eight months worth of hoops have been jumped through, there can be simply nothing left for either side to work out. It's now all down to whether he signs or doesn't sign (and judging by all media comments, he almost certainly signs). It really has been one of the most convoluted negotiating processes in sports entertainment history. WWE bought an entire wrestling company in the space of two months in 2001. Yet this one guy has required thirteen years of buttering up, before eight entire months this year of "will he, won't he" speculation. We are so clearly at the end of all of that. If this goes any longer it would be surprising. The process has been drawn out long enough. When everyone gets sat down in the same room this weekend at SummerSlam, expect it all to be tied up nicely, with a debut in the immediate to near future.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.