10 Reasons CM Punk Will Never Be Able To Move On From WWE

3. Paul Heyman

When CM Punk arrived in WWE back in 2005, he was a man struggling to find his way. He had been sent to the company's developmental territory in Florida and it seemed as though the indy circuit's brightest star was doomed to dim in WWE's minor league. However, Paul Heyman stepped in and took the reigns of Punk's career. The evil genius helped Punk along the way in WWE; he helped coach him while working in Florida and believed in him the whole time. Heyman constantly bragged on The Second City Saint, extolling his virtues to any and all that would listen. By the time Punk made his way to the main roster, he was ready to shine in the biggest way and it was all thanks to the man that had taken an interest in him from day one. Though Punk is now gone, Heyman is not and as long as that is the case, then The Best in the World will always have a connection to WWE. Punk has said that the most fun he's ever had in the company was at the side of Heyman. The two men entertained like no other and were as legitimate a duo as Heyman and Brock Lesnar. Paul and Punk meshed perfectly and made some great television together. At the end of the day, why would Punk want to totally walk away from that? The fact is that if he should ever change his mind, Punk has a way back in to WWE courtesy of Heyman. The two may not be done entertaining together after all.
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CM Punk
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Host of Tom Clark's Main Event, WWE Featured Columnist for Bleacher Report and a Contributor for the Camel Clutch Blog http://tomclarkbr.wix.com/blog tomclarksmainevent.libsyn.com