10 Reasons Daniel Bryan Could Return On Monday's WWE Raw

5. A None Wrestling Role

Even if he isn't coming back to wrestle, Bryan checking in this monday from Seattle would be a great moment for Raw. He could turn up to formalise his retirement, of maybe he'll just come in and say he's still needing time. Either way, the home town guy spot is a great place and time for Bryan to drop in. From a sentimental point of view, Washington makes sense as the place he would announce his retirement. There's a nice synchronisation to finishing where he started out from. What he could do, is announce he'll be the host of WrestleMania, or some other sort of none wrestling gimmick. Another idea would be to book him in the corner of Roman Reigns, or have him as the special referee for the WrestleMania main event.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.