10 Reasons Daniel Bryan Will Not Be WWE Champion After SummerSlam

4. A History Of Money In The Bank Cash-Ins At SummerSlam

SummerSlam has become somewhat synonomous with Money in the Bank cash-ins in recent years. It was a Money in the Bank cash-in at last year€™s event that started the entire Bryan/Authority angle, after all. During the past three SummerSlam pay-per-views, there have been two cash-ins, with Orton of course winning the title last year, and Alberto Del Rio defeating CM Punk in 2011. While it seems unlikely that the WWE would book a competitor to cash in a briefcase at two consecutive SummerSlams, it certainly remains an option, especially with the company trying to swerve fans in recent months by booking Lesnar to end the Undertaker€™s streak and having Seth Rollins unexpectedly turn heel to join Evolution.

Michael Hicks is a writer originally from Pittsburgh, PA. He has written for a number of websites about subjects ranging from professional wrestling to raw denim.