10 Reasons Everyone Hated Kevin Nash In WCW

2. The Fingerpoke Of Doom

If Nash's assertions are correct, he also wasn't in charge of the booking at the time of this infamous angle either, but there's no denying that the two men involved held tremendous sway with WCW decision-making regardless. On January 4th, 1999, rather than the scheduled rematch between he and Goldberg, WCW ran an angle where the former champ was arrested for stalking Miss Elizabeth, and Hulk Hogan - assuming the role of returning hero - stepped up to challenge Big Sexy for the title. But we didn't get a match. We got Hogan poking Nash in the chest and the champ taking a dive to put the belt back on The Hulkster and re-re-re-re-reform the nWo. It wasn't what anyone wanted to see at that point and all the anticipation for the return clash between Goldberg and the man who killed the streak was sapped out of the audience in favor of a retread of an angle that was long past its expiration date. Much has been made about this event, with some going so far as to call it the official nail in WCW's coffin. That's a little extreme, but you can't argue it didn't negatively impact the company's business.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.