10 Reasons Why Fans Love Dolph Ziggler So Much

10. His Bumping Skills

One of Dolph Ziggler's most talked about talents is his ability to bump and sell other wrestlers' offense. No one on the current WWE roster can make you look as strong and dominant as Dolph Ziggler can. Every time he competes on RAW, Smackdown, Main Event or Superstars, he puts his body on the line in order to make others look good and to constantly propel matches to the next level. There are numerous videos on YouTube which document some of Ziggler's best selling, and if you care to look at them, you will see a nasty bump he took after being tossed over the announce table by Tensai and a devastating spear from Roman Reigns into the barricade!
Some believe this is the reason why Ziggler hasn't received a solid push in over a year; he is consistently used to get new wrestlers over with the crowd and to make them look strong and imposing, thereby being made look weak in the process. One would find it hard to argue with that reasoning if this is why the powers that be in WWE are so reluctant to give the Show Off a meaningful push, but you also have to worry that if all Ziggler is good for is selling offense, this is bound to have a detrimental effect on his health sooner or later, especially with the worry of concussions so rife in WWE lately!

Keen WWE enthusiast from Ireland. Fierce advocate of the #PushZiggler movement. Avid book reader and movie watcher! Studying to be a legal eagle! Tweet me for discussion at @HighestHEELS_x!