10 Reasons For WWE's Ratings Plummet

10. Raw Is Too Damn Long

The most common complaint regarding Monday Night Raw is that it's simply too long for most fans. In the modern age, expecting a viewer to sit and be engaged for a full 3-hour program is very unrealistic. Scour any number of wrestling-related forums online, and this is the most prevalent reason many people have been turned off the flagship show. So, why is it so far down on this list? Firstly, whilst show length does come into things, it's not a problem when the program in question is gripping. WCW experienced the same problem as WWE back in the 90's. Adding a third hour to Nitro in early-1998, the company didn't make full use of the extra 60 minutes, using the first hour as almost a 'preview' of the following ones. Secondly, that's a trap WWE have very much fallen into, and it's hurting Raw. Things are spread so thinly across the show sometimes, that parts of it become lifeless. If the promotion want Monday Night Raw to run successfully for 3 full hours, there needs to be more of a reason for people to feel it worthwhile.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.