10 Reasons For WWE's Ratings Plummet

9. Technology Allows Fans To 'Skip' Through Programming

This is actually a common complaint coming from WWE's side. In today's world, not everybody has the time to sit down and watch a show live. TV scheduling isn't what it used to be, because there are so many other options. 'On demand' programming is very much the rule, viewers enjoy the freedom to watch shows when they choose, not when their television tells them to. The problem is, when someone 'tapes' a show through SKY+ or TiVo, it's not logged as a live viewing. Thus, WWE lose that body for their overall rating, which is clearly not ideal for the company. In addition to that popular method of watching the show, people can now fast forward through portions of the show that they don't want to watch. On one level, there's nothing that wrong with this, wrestling fans should be able to watch the characters and matches they favour. That said, people have noted online that they watch approximately less than one full hour of the 180 minute Raw program. That's far from encouraging, and not exactly conducive to bringing viewers back the next week.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.