10 Reasons For WWE's Ratings Plummet

8. Fans Are Turned Off By Social Media & Advertising Overload

As aforementioned, WWE regularly fill their programming with a lot of unnecessary 'fluff'. As years have progressed, there's been a real fascination to talk up the importance of social media on shows, and clue fans in on what's 'trending' on Twitter. Nobody can blame WWE for wanting to big up their product, but the constant reminders of social media trends does come off as a little desperate from time-to-time. Legendary announcer Jim Ross has gone on record as saying Michael Cole has a harder job than he ever did behind the commentary desk. What Ross means by this is that Cole is expected to direct the flow of verbiage on the show, but also do a hell of a lot of advertising for the company at the same time. That can't be easy, because Michael has to get through so much information across each broadcast. In the opinion of some fans, this detracts from the actual product itself. Instead of letting people know that Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar is trending on Twitter, for example, many people would prefer it if the announcers were calling the action actually going on in the ring.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.