10 Reasons It's NEVER BEEN BETTER To Be A WWE Superstar
4. Vince McMahon Is GONE!*
*sort of.
The period between Vince McMahon resigning in disgrace and his hostile return around the company's blockbuster sale to Endeavour over WrestleMania weekend was the sweet spot, but even after some apparent meddling here and there since being brought back in from the cold, there's still much less of him than there'd ever been in the years prior.
Triple H is far from a brand new voice in the room behind the scenes in WWE, but he's not exactly meet-the-new-boss-same-as-the-old-boss either. This cuts both ways as a viewer (Tri has a style he likes and leans heavily on it), but plenty of wrestlers he once tried to guide through to success via the Performance Center are now at his disposal on the main roster as opposed to being disposed by McMahon.
The company at large once revolved around the whims and dated tastes of the wretched maniacal codger, and even if 'The Game's got an autocratic side, enough talents have already praised a level of collaboration they weren't enjoying beforehand. Long may that - and McMahon's absence - continue.
Speaking of which...