5. Worldwide Relations Might Benefit
You might know a little about Abraham Lincoln from school history lessons. But what most teachers probably omitted was that he was a keen amateur wrestler. Whether he used his skills in this regard to settle the big issues of his presidency isn't known but it makes it more fun if the answer's yes. So let's say he did! Going forward in time just a tad, Mayor of London Boris Johnson made headlines last year in calling for the return of Pankration to the Olympics. What's that-you may well justifiably ask. Put simply it was a wildly brutal Ancient Greek hybrid of boxing and wrestling with only two rules. No biting and no eye-gouging being the regulations in question. And if ITV were to acquiesce to Bo-Jo's call we could really have something special brewing. Question Time on BBC One would be toast.. After all we all know given half a chance Boris would be out of Westminster and into Spandex at the slightest opportunity , and watching him attempt to beat political opponents senseless would be pure gold. Even better, it could be used as a trial run for David Cameron and other world leaders to settle their differences in a manner reasoned debate just can't match for thrills and spills. Just imagine the ratings as Angela Merkel gets a chance to take revenge on Barack Obama for phone-tapping her in a no holds barred match. ITV wins by submission.