10 Reasons Why ITV Should Bring Back British Wrestling

4. Talent Exchange

william regal We all know wrestling promotions around the world do a little talent swapping , and that could work wonders if ITV were able to cut a deal with one of the many on this sceptred isle or even beyond. TNA may be off the table thanks to their golden handshake with Challenge TV and Sky Sports may have sown up the rights to WWE, but it doesn't rule out the possibility that any jobbing former UK or American stars might gladly sign up to appear in some capacity. And if ITV really could come to a gentleman's agreement with a smaller British promotion it could work out in a massive way for both parties. It's a guaranteed broadcast platform and in return the relevant bods could advise the channel on how to take their beloved sport forward and potentially maximise profit and exposure for both product and service provider. With a nationwide list ranging from Wiltshire's 4-Front Wrestling to the X-Wrestling Alliance of Morecambe, contacts books could postively bulge if this was done right.

Journalist, musician, sports fan, citizen of the universe and a gentleman to boot!