10 Reasons John Cena Will Be Missed At WrestleMania

1. He's Their Biggest Heel

Every week you will see at least one wrestling fan bemoan the lack of a John Cena heel turn. You'll read an article explaining all the reasons it should happen and be given the impression that if Cena was to go full-on big bad, the world would be a better place. Here's the thing, though: he already is a heel. Let's compare it to Brett Hart during his Hart Foundation days, a period where he was the companies biggest heel in America and their biggest face in the rest of the world. It was a role he played perfectly and it is regularly praised by fans. So how does Cena differ? His position isn't affected by borders, but instead by the age of the crowd involved. To the kids and casual fans in attendance he is their hero. To the hardcore wrestling fans, he is the devil. So when WrestleMania comes around, who is more important than your biggest heel and your biggest face? No one, so just how important is the guy who encompasses both of those roles? Love him or hate him, John Cena is someone we all want to see and the fact he's not on the card at WrestleMania this year is a damn shame.

A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83