10 Reasons Lesnar vs Reigns II Must Happen At WrestleMania 32

3. It's A Guaranteed Great Match

Many saw Roman Reigns as an unproven commodity when he was first earmarked as a future star in 2014; even by the time he got to WrestleMania, there were critics who felt that he had been protected in his prior matches and that he wasn't up to the challenge of headlining the top show of the year. Reigns silenced those doubters, going 15 minutes in a bloody war with Brock Lesnar that remained nail-bitingly intense from start to finish. Lesnar wrestles like nobody else on the planet, but Reigns more than held his own. A year later, a Reigns-HHH match doesn't have the same kind of quality guarantee. Triple H's performances are hit-or-miss, and a plodding match where "The Game" dominates Reigns for 20 minutes before scoring a win out of nowhere doesn't do much for anybody (least of all the fans). Even a decisive win by Reigns doesn't mean as much as it would over a wrestler in his prime. A Reigns-Lesnar rematch would deliver in terms of quality, exceeding even last year's encounter. Reigns is more experienced and wiser than he was, and Lesnar is hungry to become WWE Champion again - both factors which will play into the psychology of a can't-miss match.

Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013