10 Reasons You Need To Check Out TNA's January 2015 UK Tour

4. All Three Shows Are TV tapings

House shows are great fun. Without the pressure of the TV cameras, wrestlers can sometimes have a little bit of fun and do things that they couldn€™t get away with on TV. But television is the lifeblood of any wrestling promotion, and TNA will be taking advantage of the fact that it has such large and enthusiastic crowds in the UK to capture all three of their tour dates on camera. It also means that fans at the shows know that everything they see will be relevant, that the wrestlers will be giving it 100% and that there is always the possibility of witnessing a title change or a surprise like the debut of MVP or Eric Young€™s World title victory. And of course, if you€™re sitting near the front, you could get your face on TV that will be seen around the world: at the last count, TNA was airing in 138 different countries around the world!
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Dean Ayass is a well known name to British wrestling fans. A commentator, manager, booker and ring announcer who has been involved in the business since 1993, Dean's insight into the business is second to none.