10 Reasons Seth Rollins Should Leave Royal Rumble As WWE Champion

7. A Change Is Needed To Help The Stale WWE Product

The WWE product is stale right now. We all know that. Even the biggest WWE supporters can probably tell that things in WWE have been pretty boring since around SummerSlam. The WrestleMania season last year was really good for a couple of months, but then it went downhill. In order to try to make things better in WWE, something has to be done to change it up. That's why the time is now to make Seth Rollins the WWE Champion. There's nothing wrong with a heel champion like Lesnar. It's the same story that always gets told in wrestling where the champ is a heel and the top challengers are the babyfaces. The problem is that Lesnar represents that stale WWE product more than anybody because of all the times he isn't on the show. People are tired of Lesnar not being around. A title change would mix things up. It's okay to change things up. A little freshness isn't going to hurt anybody. In fact, it will be a major boost to WWE programming and hopefully lead to a hotter WrestleMania season over the next few months.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.