10 Reasons Shane McMahon Vs The Undertaker Is A Mistake
10. A One Time Pop... What Now For The Weeks Of Build?
Shane McMahon's return to WWE was always going to be a huge pop moment. He's a likeable guy and nostalgia is always a great sell for wrestling fans. But what now? WWE blew too much in one segment this Monday. The comeback angle at odds with Vince would have been enough, they could have then developed the Undertaker angle out fully in the coming weeks. Instead, all in one go, they gave away what could have been weeks of intrigue. Having such little story to now tell, it means the Shane novelty is going to wear off quickly. Remember how hot it was when Vince first came back after TLC? And how quickly he became just another guy? Shane is likely to suffer the same fate. A one time pop was great for the short term, but the long term for this story running up to Mania isn't looking good.