10 Reasons Shane McMahon Vs The Undertaker Is A Mistake
9. The Face Heel Dynamic Is All Wrong
Putting Shane against The Authority is fine, that's a story which works. But putting him against The Undertaker? The face heel dynamic is all wrong, it doesn't make sense as a narrative. Both characters are well liked and fans don't really want to see either of them losing. There's no one to root for or against in this match. It immediately throws up questions like "Why doesn't Undertaker just throw the match?" and thus remove the Authority. Some fans are even questioning if this booking means Taker has joined The Authority. There's also confusion as to how this is going to work on the night, with Shane possibly ending up the default heel. Taker at his home state Mania isn't getting booed. Basic storytelling requires certain rules about character and motivations. Without those rules, things fall apart, and that's what looks likely to happen with Shane and Taker. The characters don't gel for being in conflict with each other.