10 Reasons Shane McMahon Vs The Undertaker Is A Mistake
5. The Stipulation Is Meaningless
WWE fans are conditioned to know a dud stipulation when they see one, and the "control of WWE" gimmick is clearly bogus. Again, it is an outdated concept. Austin and McMahon were fighting over that same thing nearly two decades ago. Likewise, whether Shane wins or loses, The Authority is going nowhere. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon are key characters, they'll be back in one form or another. The best matches are when something really is on the line. That's what made The Streak so great for so many years. But this latest booking doesn't have any of that meaning, it is a transparent attempt to add value to a match that shouldn't really be happening. The stipulation means nothing to The Undertaker, and for Shane the fans know it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Raw isn't going to change.