10 Reasons Shane McMahon Vs The Undertaker Is A Mistake
4. The Undertaker Has Been Cheapened
The Undertaker is a veteran icon, he's one of the biggest stars in WWE history, and is key to WrestleMania being such a magnificent draw. To put him in a match with a part time businessman is a slap in the face. He deserved a big name wrestler, and names that were being speculated upon included Sting, Goldberg and John Cena. For it to end up being Shane McMahon, as exciting as it is to see him, the match booking is a massive disappointment. Taker may only have a few matches left in him, this could in fact be his last one, and Shane just doesn't have the prestige to live up to such a booking. Even more frightening is the idea that WWE may actually book Shane to go over the deadman. Can you imagine how that will look on Taker's legacy? Losing to Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania was bad enough, but Shane McMahon? Just the thought of it is cringe worthy.