10 Reasons The Undertaker Vs Brock Lesnar At WrestleMania 32 Is A Mistake

7. The In-Ring Quality Can Only Be So Good

Up until the confusing finish, Lesnar Undertaker was a very good match at SummerSlam. Can they top it at WrestleMania? Probably not. What we saw at SummerSlam was as good as they can get. The physicality and UFC tones were entertaining, but there isn't another level they can hit. They can probably have a match as good, but going any better would be tricky. On the other side of the coin, their first match in this 'trilogy' was terrible. Imagine if they went to WrestleMania and had a match that bad again? There's better opponents for both men, in terms of matching them with people they could have excellent matches with. Against each other, they can only take it so far. It isn't like Michaels Taker were you just knew it was going to be magic every time.
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