10 Reasons This Year's WWE Tough Enough Sucks

1. The Whole Competition Is A Huge Waste Of Time

By all rights, the overall objective of the show would be to win $250,000, because judging by history, there€™s no way that the winner of this competition will ever appear in a WWE ring. There have been four previous seasons of Tough Enough, and not a single winner is still with the company. In fact, the most successful Tough Enough winner, Maven, had a marginal career that never peaked beyond his 2002 Royal Rumble elimination of The Undertaker. Last season€™s winner, Andy, never even appeared on television after winning the competition. It€™s actually better to be a runner up, as guys like John Morrision, The Miz, Ryback, and Kenny King have had much longer careers in the wrestling business than the winners of the event. So while America will continue to vote ZZ into the winning spot, they will never see him in the WWE. He€™ll go down to NXT, struggle, and be cut. WWE is essentially wasting a quarter of a million dollars on this. Based on history, if the ultimate goal of a Tough Enough contestant should be not to win the competition, then the competition as a whole is a complete failure. Be sure to comment below or follow me on Twitter @PocketSeagull.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.