10 Reasons This Year's WWE Tough Enough Sucks

2. The Contestants Aren€™t Trained Wrestlers

WWE is supposed to be the cream of the crop in the professional wrestling industry. Ideally, the best wrestlers in the world should be in the best company. WWE is planning to offer the winner of this competition $250,000, which is significantly more money than some of the NXT wrestlers who are really good wrestlers. It€™s absolutely ridiculous that WWE chose people with no wrestling experience for this competition. Of the remaining contestants, only Chelsea has any wrestling experience. Imagine if UFC took untrained fighters for the next season of The Ultimate Fighter. It would be a disaster. While WWE isn€™t as dangerous as UFC, it€™s still pretty dangerous, and you should want people who know what they€™re doing so nobody gets seriously hurt. Also, imagine how the trained wrestlers feel after they€™ve spent years toiling in the independents only for somebody with no experience to have 8-10 weeks of training and then be handed a $250,000 contract? It probably wouldn€™t go over too well.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.