10 Reasons TNA's The Final Deletion Was A Shakespearean Level Masterpiece

6. "It's A Dilapidated Boat!"

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I have to remind myself that what I'm describing here is still scripted entertainment because at this point my suspension of disbelief is in overdrive and I'm convinced these two are going to kill, or at the very least maim each other. That's the quality of performances we're talking here. But when I come crashing back down to reality I have to give both men credit for their ability to sell these firework blasts like .50 caliber artillery rounds.

Luckily for Matt, just as he was about to be struck down by a killshot from BROTHER NERO's candle, he found refuge beneath a dilapidated boat on the shore of the lake. And in case viewers were so lost in their own enthrallment that they missed it, he made sure to toss in some exposition for us plebes at home by loudly exclaiming "It's a dilapidated boat!" before sheltering himself beneath its life-saving hull.

Unable to land a shot on the well-protected Matt, BROTHER NERO impotently unloaded the remaining rounds of his roman candle before tossing it at the raggedy raft in anger, which was Matt's cue to reenter the fray safe from the barrage.

By the way, you can now follow The Dilapidated Boat on Twitter.


Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.