10 Reasons TNA's The Final Deletion Was A Shakespearean Level Masterpiece

5. Senor Benjamin's Run-In

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Impact Wrestling

The two men briefly did battle on the shore of the lake, with Matt applying a sleeperhold to his mortal enemy. Although Jeff refused to submit, the siblings fell backwards into the dark, murky water and disappeared beneath the surface.

After a moment, it was Matt who reemerged, wading back to the shoreline assuming he had finally vanquished BROTHER NERO, but in a swerve that probably had Vince Russo yelling "Bro, THAT's how you swerve a bro, bro", Jeff Hardy's masked alter ego Willow burst from the depths like an emo leviathan and attacked Matt from behind.

Cackling his nightmarish guffaw and wielding his trademark umbrella of angst, Willow gained the upper hand on The Broken One and it began to look like the end was drawing near. However, just when Matt was almost out from the RNUC (rear naked umbrella choke), his gardener, Senor Benjamin made a run-in, stunning Willow with a pink tazer, rescuing his employer in an effort to make sure he could continue to provide for his family by maintaining the grounds of Matt's palatial estate.

Surely this would be the end of BROTHER NERO?


Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.