10 Reasons To Be Excited About WrestleMania 33

8. Lesnar Vs Goldberg

WrestleMania 33

Remember at WrestleMania 20 when Brock Lesnar and Goldberg, the two immovable objects of wrestling, collided and Stone Cold was the guest referee? It was the greatest thing that ever happened in wrestling, wasn't it?

Unfortunately not. The audience spewed hatred at both guys (owing to their impending departures from WWE) and the match never managed to get off the ground. Both men got a Stunner for their troubles and everyone tried to pretend the whole thing never happened.

This shouldn't fill us with much hope for the rematch this year, but the build-up has been fascinating. Booking Goldberg to effectively squash Lesnar at two major PPV events is a ballsy move for the WWE. Granted, it might have something to do with Goldberg struggling to do anything beyond 5 minutes in a ring, but it has made for an intriguing rivalry that will reach a conclusion at WM33.

If they avoid the mistakes of the WM20 debacle, and if Goldberg can last the duration, this match could genuinely be fun to watch. After all, these Icon vs Icon matches are the sheer epitome of what WrestleMania is all about.


Writer. Proud owner of a 1950-2000 Grays Sports Almanac. Has never created a dystopian alternate timeline (yet).