10 Reasons To Be Nervous For WWE In 2016

9. The Royal Rumble Could Be Anemic Once More

For years now, the Royal Rumble hasn't been as effective as it once was. Going back as far as 2011, the company were trying to find ways to shake up the creaking event. The 2011 Rumble was deemed the biggest ever, beefed up to 40 entrants instead of the usual 30. This didn't really do much to reinvent the wheel, so to speak, because WWE filled many of the surplus slots with announcers or nostalgia acts. One overwhelming problem with the Rumble is that there are only a handful of wrestlers who fans believe could feasibly win the match. A shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Title is up for grabs at WrestleMania, and it's unlikely that the creative team would book Bo Dallas - as one example - to gain that right. Worse yet, the field is narrowed further when examining fan reaction to winners. In 2014, Batista was chosen to conquer. Fans didn't want that, they wanted either Roman Reigns or Daniel Bryan to win. The next year, Reigns did win, but that still irked the watching audience. In 2016, it's difficult to see who could be installed as a suitable, satisfying winner. Aside from Brock Lesnar, is there anyone else fans would want to see?
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.