10 Reasons To Believe CM Punk Will Never Return To WWE

4. He Owes Them 6 Months Unpaid Work

The WWE often employ superstars with a contract clause that states that said superstar must fulfill any work that the company pays them for, including time spent injured. The most notable case of this is Rey Mysterio, who has effectively worked for free in the past, having recovered from an injury that saw him paid during his time off. It's a fair compromise, as the WWE don't want to pay for wrestlers who aren't wrestling, and they only want to get their moneys worth from their investment. When it comes to abrupt departures however, the procedure is a little more difficult; WWE were apparently withholding money from some of Punk's royalty cheques. Therefore, both sides would have a case in court against the other; WWE could sue him for not fulfilling his contract, and he could take them on for not meeting their end of the bargain. At this point, things are better off left as they are, especially in a legal setting. WWE's history in court reads like a who's who of resentful, demanding, egocentric ex-superstars and their strict, ruthless, maniacal employer. The costs of what would surely be the most high-profile legal case that the WWE had ever been involved with, as well as the negative press, would be a publicity nightmare. It's likely that the WWE will probably just try to make a cheap buck off of Punk's legacy. Still selling CM Punk merchandise, showing the 'Best in the World' DVD on the WWE Network, and maybe even using his likeness where allowed will all help to get some of the money back that they paid Punk for the last 6 months.
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