10 Reasons To Believe CM Punk Will Never Return To WWE

5. He's On Bad Terms With Both Triple H And Vince McMahon

When CM Punk walked out of the WWE, he did it both in the presence of Chairman Vince McMahon and Vice-President Paul Michael Levesque (Triple H). The way in which it was handled from all the parties involved was perhaps not great, but the subsequent silence from everyone has proved a real insult to the loyal WWE fans, and a telling sign of just how poor relations between the two sides might be. Rather than dignifying him with headlines and insults, the WWE have quietly moved on from CM Punk (aside from showing his DVD on the WWE Network), and he's moved on from them too. But behind the scenes, morale is apparently still low over the whole ordeal. Punk was slated to face Triple H at Wrestlemania. Punk walked out with this allegedly being part of his reasoning for doing so, and apparently Triple H took that as a personal sleight, and hasn't gotten over it. Reports in late spring stated that there was still ill feeling on Hunter's part, who seems to have been quite insulted that Punk didn't want to work the program. Elsewhere, McMahon has simply described Punk as 'on sabbatical', and has apparently stopped reaching out to Punk for some time. WWE even went so far as to use Punk's walkout to rile up a Chicago crowd during the Authority vs Daniel Bryan angle, with Stephanie McMahon saying, "These people want you to walk out, just like CM Punk did". It's clear that his departure might be more than just a mere argument between two sides.
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