10 Reasons Why Kevin Owens Should Win WWE US Title

8. John Cena Needs To Re-Learn Being An Underdog Babyface

The last time John Cena was an underdog, he had just lost to The Rock at Wrestlemania 28 and was at the precipice of "the worst year of his life/career." The idea of Cena cutting these promos putting over the US Championship and wrestling all comers each week, then suddenly dropping the strap to Kevin Owens would be great for Cena's character. It isn't enough that he's not quite main event level anymore, he also now has to consider the idea that he may have lost a step, and that the people aren't behind him either. Cena re-building his character via chasing Kevin Owens would be wonderful. It'd involve Cena realizing that he's been on top in WWE for a decade, and that maybe he should really take a look around and realize just how big the target on his back has become. Cena eventually besting Owens would be a fun match too, and might actually get people some more people back on his side positively as a performer.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.