10 Reasons Why Kevin Owens Should Win WWE US Title

7. Owens Winning Is A Victory For NXT As A Brand

WWE.comNXT is by far the most exciting and fastest-rising brand in pro wrestling today. Somehow Triple H has assembled a crew of a decade's worth of terrific indy wrestlers alongside a cast of pure athletes and true characters, creating a product that can actually stand alone outside of being under the WWE name. Kevin Owens walked out on Raw looking more confident in his talent and deserving of his spot on TV than likely any other performer from the brand that has debuted on the main roster. Owens walked out, stared down John Cena, beat him up, placed his foot on the US Championship and fired a "shot across the bow"to Raw and Smackdown talents that NXT had truly arrived. Owens winning the US Championship wouldn't just be a victory for him, but rather it'd be a victory for the entirety of NXT, a crew of talents who have busted their asses and created a product that has certainly exceeded expectations.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.