5. He Is A Martial Art Master
What a staggering little anecdote this is... While Rusev was recovering from those FCW injuries that I outlined in the previous point, he went to Thailand and began practicing Muay Thai. It's fair to say, judging by his in-ring work to date at least, that he mastered the discipline with some aplomb. He is certainly one of the most uniquely talented competitors in a WWE ring at the moment. You can throw him in there with almost anyone and he will be able to produce some magic. His combined strength and speed certainly makes him the Bulgarian Brock Lesnar (obviously not quite as a good as The Beast Incarnate, but there are certainly comparisons between the two monsters).
Ross Tweddell
Content Producer
Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.
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