10 Reasons Why The Miz Is A Future WWE Hall Of Famer

6. He's An Actor And Television Personality Outside Of Wrestling

WWE Hall Of Fame The Miz 2
WWE Studios

WWE loves the attention of the mainstream media. They love it so very much that they'll seemingly do anything to ensure their superstars are put in front of as many eyeballs as possible, in as many non-wrestling scenarios as they can think of. As such, WWE superstars are constantly appearing on talk shows, game shows and interview segments on local news and radio stations.

They make guest appearances on long-running TV shows, which are then advertised ad nauseum on Monday Night Raw and Smackdown. WWE make their own movies, often as starring-vehicles for their superstars...and then they go on talk shows and radio shows to promote them and so on and so forth...

The Miz is one of the very best on the roster at this endless media cycle. At this point, Miz has been the star of 5 feature films. Now, 3 of them are sequels to The Marine and none of them will ever darken the door of your local multiplex, but the guy is still paid to act and at this point, would be a fairly recognisable face.

He has made guest appearances on the likes of Supernatural (playing a wrestler, naturally) and Sirens, and lent his vocal talents to a couple of WWE produced Scooby-Doo animated movies.

He is a charming, likeable presence on the talk show circuit, and is regularly sent by WWE to do media appearances and signings all over the world. This aspect of the business is not for everyone, obviously, and it may lead some people to believe that Miz is comfortable being a well-known celebrity, rather than the best wrestler in the business.

But this type of comfort in front of non-WWE cameras is a valuable commodity for WWE, and Miz has made himself important to the company in this respect. He's a great ambassador for the company and that is a quality many of the members of the Hall Of Fame share...


Comics. Movies. TV. Wrestling. Video Games. Husband. Father. Geek.