10 Reasons Why The Miz Is A Future WWE Hall Of Famer

7. He's Great In A Tag Team

WWE Hall Of Fame The Miz 2

As well as being a multiple time singles champion in WWE, Miz has also been a decorated Tag Team wrestler over the years. His list of partners is extremely varied, but that just goes to show how he is a performer capable of adapting to whatever the wrestling world throws at him.

He is arguably most known for his tag team with John Morrison (who is now plying his trade in Lucha Underground as Johnny Mundo, of course). The two teamed for the best part of two years, between 2007 and 2009, reigning as champions twice in that period. Their chemistry was excellent, and it gave Miz his first real taste of success in the company. Their YouTube show, 'The Dirt Sheet', which the duo wrote and performed themselves every week, was truly ahead of its time.

Miz also won two tag titles with The Big Show as his partner. ShowMiz, they were called. However, more fans will probably remember Miz and Mizdow, a joke gimmick that took on a life of it's own and ended up becoming a beloved aspect of the show. In truth, the Mizdow period didn't last very long (around 6 months) but maybe that was for the best.

The idea of Damien Sandow imitating everything The Miz did as his 'stunt double' probably only had a certain shelf-life, and for once, WWE didn't drive it into the ground. Miz did his part, giving Mizdow a detestable boss to eventually rebel against at WrestleMania 31. WWE then failed to capitalise on Mizdow's popularity but, hey, them's the breaks.


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