10 Reasons Why The Miz Is A Future WWE Hall Of Famer

4. His Mic Skills Are Top Notch

WWE Hall Of Fame The Miz 2

Speaking of Daniel Bryan and The Miz, below is the full Talking Smack video that caused a huge amount of hubbub a month or so ago.

To be fair, Miz received a huge amount of plaudits over this promo, which expertly danced on the line between a shoot and a scripted work. His intensity and anger looked genuine, and the way his fury built and built to a crescendo was expertly done. Our only issue is that certain people reacted like they didn't think Miz had this kind of main event caliber mic work in him. But, given the right opportunity, he's actually been capable of it for years.

The man can cut a hell of a promo. In fairness, he's probably one of the best microphone workers the WWE has seen in the 2000's. He can certainly talk a whole lot better than many of the guys in the Hall Of Fame already...


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