8 Reasons Wrestling's Popularity Is In Decline

1. The Creative Is Bad

There has been a marked improvement by WWE in recent times - we no longer have to sit through as many awful comedy sketches these days - but the fact remains that the majority of things we see on our screens are truly horrible, nonsensical, long winded and cheesy. There's no killer storyline and no episodic build. Fans have no reason to tune in each week, as there's rarely ever cliffhangers or story development. For too long, creative has been simply about filling a Raw and ensuring a few selling points for Network specials. The show has forgotten to sell itself, and fans have realised that it is just filler and promotion for the specials. Raw needs to start selling itself better, offering valid reasons for people to watch. That starts with creative.
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Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.