10 Reasons Why WWE Fans Should Get Over CM Punk Already
8. Punk Is Stubborn
This isn't an accusation or even an insult, it's a fact; CM Punk proved his stubbornness during his years working for WWE, but you can guarantee he would have never become as big of a star he was without that stubbornness. Kudos to him for having the balls to stand up against the system. However, there is good and bad stubbornness. While WWE representatives all the way up to Vince McMahon have welcomed the idea of CM Punk returning to WWE if it makes sense - despite the clearly fractured relationship between Punk and prominent WWE employees - Punk has seemingly slammed the door shut, going as far as to state flat-out that he is "never going back". Despite what has been said since the split, we probably will see CM Punk working with WWE again in some capacity. As has been mentioned many times, if The Ultimate Warrior can forgive and forget, so can CM Punk. However, a reunion will not happen for a long time yet. Punk comes off as the kind of person that will not move past a grudge so don't expect to see him in a WWE ring for many years to come (if at all). Its highly unlikely that Punk has even entertained the idea of return, given the other ambitions he has to pursue.
Overly-opinionated Australian WWE smark who is definitely not #booty. Slowly angering the IWC one article at a time. We will probably strongly dislike each other - let's be friends! @MattKMarsden