10 Reasons Why WWE Is Not As Good As WWF

8. Lack of Memorable Tag Teams

I can go back the 80s and 90s and run off a list of memorable tag team institutions immediately: The Steiner Brothers, Legion of Doom, Money Inc, The Natural Disasters, The Rockers, The Hart Foundation and so on. All these teams had respected longevity, as well as interesting, colourful gimmicks and strong characters behind them. These days, the tendency appears to be to near-randomly pair developmental talent together willy-nilly, regardless of chemistry, instead focused rather superficially on their €œlook€. Even in the later stages of the WWF, the predisposition towards tag team institutions still prevailed; we had brilliant feuds between Edge and Christian, The Dudleys and The Hardys, but with the onset of the WWE, this seemed to decline. How many tag teams can you picture today who are going to be together in five or ten years? Maybe it€™s down to the Internet culture, our insistence on change, our shorter attention spans, our lack of believability that a team would stick it out for so long, but when the WWE continues to have a Tag Team Title, it is something they need to invest fully in, either pairing up like-minded superstars or developing a team from the ground-up who are, above all, physically matched and share strong on-screen chemistry.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.