10 Reasons Why WWE Must Turn Drew McIntyre Heel Immediately

9. Those History Lessons

Drew McIntyre

Ever since John Cena was on top, every WWE Champion, however ill-suited, has had to fit the same template. It doesn’t matter what got them over or brought them to the top of the mountain.

It makes no difference if the formula dims their aura or makes them about one hundred times less cool and interesting. In a modern day equivalent of smiley champ Diesel, every top babyface must be a cross between stand up comedian and kids TV presenter.

Drew, to his credit, did about as well as could be expected in the role, particularly without live fans to bounce off of. Things took a real turn for the worse with his recent foray into whacky history lessons. You can tell they are supposed to be funny from the twinkle in McIntyre’s eye as he recounts them. You just can’t tell exactly where the laughs are supposed to come from.

A top guy should be someone you wish you could hang out with but if this is the banter he’s bringing it doesn’t appeal. The big Scot has gone from being a guy you’d love to grab a beer with to someone to whom you makes excuses before edging away.


Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at YouTube.com/c/chrischopping. His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.