10 Reasons Why WWE Will Have No Competition By 2020

1. The Performance Center

WWE's decision to invest in their future more than their past and present is important. Because WWE has a Performance Center, WWE has the ability to present whatever type of wrestling they want and have it also ideally get over anywhere in the world. If looking for the immediate dividends of the Perofrmance Center, look no further than in the presentation of women's wrestling. Sara Amato is cranking out credible and TV ready women's professionals at an incredible rate. While men's wrestling is not moving at the same pace as the women's product, expect that to change soon. WWE's currently hiring very well established independent wrestlers and performers who are truly green to the business, so the learning curve is harder to see there. When WWE begins to hire athletes with either an aptitude for wrestling or who are starting to break out a little on the indies, WWE's ability to smooth rough edges instead of polishing superstars until they shine brighter than ever will become apparent. No other company in the world has invested this type of money in this type of school. While the results at present are minimal, check out what a global WWE machine that's moving at optimal efficiency by 2020 with athletic wrestlers developed entirely by WWE's system with acting chops and bearing a globe's wrestling experience can do.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.